Embracing complexity and nuance in biology

[18/11/2024] Pooja Wakchoure started today in our lab! She'll focus on using visual analytics to integrate waterflea multi-omics data, in the context of their changing environment.
[12/8/2024] Our algorithm for detecting branches in HDBSCAN* clusters is now available in scikit-learn. See here for more info.

The Augmented Intelligence for Data Analytics (AIDA) Lab is part of the Biosystems department of the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering at KU Leuven, Belgium. Our mission is to delve into the complexity of biological systems, integrating diverse datasets to uncover the inherent variability of nature. This includes aspects like multi-omics, climate, ecology, etc.

We use visual analytics and topological data analysis to combine automated techniques with interactive data visualisation, helping us really get to grips with large and difficult-to-understand datasets. This approach is particularly powerful for uncovering hidden patterns and unexpected phenomena, especially in research that is open-ended.

We’re all about understanding the bigger picture when it comes to the complex systems in agriculture and climate. We’re digging into the details of how different factors interact and shape these environments. By combining visual design, interactive data visualisation, and machine learning, we’re working to uncover key insights on important topics like biodiversity, sustainability, and resilience in our ecosystems.

Job opportunities
We are always looking for motivated people to join our lab. For funding opportunities, see here. Please contact Prof Jan Aerts if you are interested.

Check out the slides of Prof Aerts’ inaugural lecture at KU Leuven on 23 November 2023 here.

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